Monday, November 21, 2005

What about the bikes?!

Recently, LAist posted three blogs about traffic and the LA Times Magazine had an article about it. I don't want us to forget about a little lost document on the internet that states:

A transportation system which is accessible, safe, and convenient for bicycle travel, with an accompanying increase in bicycle mode split both in daily trips overall and home-to-work trips. The target level of bicycling shall be 5% of all daily trips and 5% of home-to-work trips by year 2015.
A mode split is defined as "the proportion of total person-trips using various specified modes of transportation."

The City of L.A. has 133.9 miles of Class I Bike paths (which hits a smidgen of Sherman Oaks). Geographically speaking, this is a big city. But a neighbouring city of less size - Santa Clarita - has about 55 miles of bike paths and paseos already (Side Story: The funny thing is that the guy in charge of planning their bicycle paths commutes from Long Beach to Santa Clarita daily). Do we dream a day with the L.A. River Plan finished, complete with beautified Class I Paths down the whole thing? We should.

L.A. Bicycle Resources:

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