Tuesday, November 01, 2005

And there it began...

I thought I was going to go to bed early tonight. But I felt compelled to join the ranks of Los Angeles bloggers to make one specifically about Sherman Oaks. Why not? It has such a community drive behind it with the "strongest Homeowner's association in the State of California" and one of the "better City of LA Neighbourhood Councils." It even has it's own local newspaper - The Sun. Now that's all fine and dandy, but there's one element missing. A younger generation that is just not hooked into these organizations or those who just do not know (hehehe, evil plans, evil plans!).

And here we are at the beginning. We'll see how this ride goes...


Brady Westwater said...

It's great to see an old pioneer reincarnated on the web, particularly since I've been researching the links between the boomtowns of Arizona and the development of Los Angeles in the 19th and early 20th centuries.

Besides Sherman's Arizona created fortune helping build LA, wthin a few blocks of my office at 5th & Spring at least a half-dozen major buildings were fully or partially built from the proceeds of Arizona mining camps; everything from the Higgins Building and the St. George Hotel built with Bisbee copper money to the Alexandria Hotel and the Rowan Building, co-built by the owner of the Cosmoplitan Hotel in Tombstone, where Wyatt and the other Earps lived after the OK Corral shoot out.

So when it come to public art - why not tell the stories of those who came before us?

Mayor Sam said...

Welcome to the neighborhood!